
Showing posts from 2016

UFQ #2 Angels Among Us - Revisited and Revisited....and......

There are days when I look at a quilt and wonder where in the world did the quilter's brain go.  Oh wait, "Quilter's Brain" ????  I would settle for a brain that works 50% of the time. At any rate, looking at this particular UFQ (insert grimace) ..... First there was.... And the problem?  Why - simply, I ran out of green, red and blue fabric for the sashing.  Arrrghhhh.  Mad woman going through her stash with a vengeance.   And so then I traveled to...... And then there was.....  And then there was - oh snap, I don't have a selfie  - me, pulling out my hair.....while at the same time, hair is in flames.  It happens. Deep breath....thinking "riding on horse 75 miles an hour and passing by a quilt" (quilters - you know what I mean).....and finally.... I am done - for now.   There are borders to be added.  These angels are slowly becoming quite exasperating. Angel45402

Angels Among Us....UFQ #2

I have no idea what I was thinking when I started this project....oh, maybe 5 or 6 years ago???  There's a post in here somewhere that documented the start of these angels.  Finally finished the applique process (with a few shudders here and there)...and... well, a photo is worth a thousand words.....  10.5" squares.....and with a border or two, this is pretty much IT.  Okay - some more sewing may be necessary, but you get the idea.  Some little girl may love it.  As for me, I am pleased it is almost done - flimsy stage. Angel45402

Preparing for 2017 ... The Year of the UFQs No Longer

Finally, 2017 will be the year of completing those numerous unfinished quilts.  Hence, UFQs.  Quilts, people, quilts.  I don't care much for the "UFO" acronym (obviously).   To get into the mood for 2017...... Here's the "start" Blocks from a lottery held oh so long ago on a Yahoo group.  These blocks sat and sat for months...and yet, nothing yelled "finish me this way".... Taking stock of the situation (I had blocks I wanted to put on the wall!), I grabbed some yardage, did some cutting....and ended up with: Aptly named "Sandals at the Beach".  Okay, maybe not so aptly named but it had to have some sort of title attached to it.  If one looks closely, one sees flip flops (red fabric).   A good size charity quilt to be included in a box that will go to Ft Hood, Texas.  Question is:  do I wait until the top speaks to me that demands a particular backing....or do I just measure, grab and cut.  No doubt, measure, grab and cut

The Trouble with Reorganizing.....

27 May 2016 The trouble with reorganizing is this:  something is always around the corner that makes one's last reorganization efforts look - well, shabby.   Not bad.  The cubicles have nice little baskets and the side cubicles have fabric wrapped neatly around foam core boards.  Problem was - out of sight, out of mind.   Read about wrapping fabric in a specific way....which sounded pretty darn well nifty.  Out came a 5" wide ruler....many days of ironing and folding...and jumping lizards, lengths of fabric found their way into nice neat stacks.   Yes, the cubicles are still in place with baskets ....only baskets no longer contain fabric.  Gone are the foam core boards....and now FQs, 1 yard plus yardage now neatly stacked.  Batiks - by themselves.  They are snotty fabric - so they don't mingle with the other tone-on-tones, black & white - nor any other non-batik fabrics.   Then there was this area:    which became this area:    Mz Janome actual

Not THAT Wickedly Easy.....

23 April 2016 I suppose every quilter has their definition of what constitutes an advanced, intermediate or beginner quilter.  I have no qualms whatsoever as defining myself as beginner....despite at least ten years living in the quilting world.  Beginner suits me just fine and it leaves me open to new ideas and the chance to grow.   My latest UFQ is one neat pattern - free! - called Wickedly Easy.  I downloaded it quite some time ago.  While I am not sure who exactly constitutes "by annie" - you do need to check out the website.  It is no less than fabulous: So...Mz Featherweight was fired up - and she will be hard at work for the entire process -minus the actual quilting. Meet Mz Featherweight:   Yes, she is quite the work horse.   And the Wickedly Easy quilt top (which is ready for batting and backing):  And then there's the backing in progress: When one is attempting to downsize the stash, one will use