
Showing posts from February, 2007

Birthdays ....

On Monday the 28th of February I will be 55 years old. This is typed with such an air of finality. Fifty-five. Five decades plus five. Half a century plus five. Until today I didn't understand the statement "where did all the time go?" Now I do. Right now, right this minute it's not just a number. It's MY number. It represents so many things - and I just don't know which thing to choose. Depressing? Somewhat. Exhilarating? Oh yes - I'm still here to observe another birthday. Happy? Yes, again. I'm healthy - albeit overweight - and I have my family and I have my sister living just four floors down from us. Sad? Somewhat. No set of instructions came with this body. There should always be a set of instructions that God sends with each and every creation. At each stage of life, we should just instinctively know how we're supposed to feel. All of a sudden, I have wild urges to spike my hair, dye it some wild blond color and wear clothes a gypsy wouldn&#