
Showing posts from April, 2016

Not THAT Wickedly Easy.....

23 April 2016 I suppose every quilter has their definition of what constitutes an advanced, intermediate or beginner quilter.  I have no qualms whatsoever as defining myself as beginner....despite at least ten years living in the quilting world.  Beginner suits me just fine and it leaves me open to new ideas and the chance to grow.   My latest UFQ is one neat pattern - free! - called Wickedly Easy.  I downloaded it quite some time ago.  While I am not sure who exactly constitutes "by annie" - you do need to check out the website.  It is no less than fabulous: So...Mz Featherweight was fired up - and she will be hard at work for the entire process -minus the actual quilting. Meet Mz Featherweight:   Yes, she is quite the work horse.   And the Wickedly Easy quilt top (which is ready for batting and backing):  And then there's the backing in progress: When one is attempting to downsize the stash, one will use