A Rich Life

On Friday evening my husband & I attended a viewing in Elyria, Ohio. The funeral was to be held on Saturday - and it was for my husband's cousin, Lane Tollett. We watched many people file in, pay respects to the young man whom I believe is in heaven, hug his parents and move on.

This young man was to be 31 years old today - and died in Iraq, fighting for his country. There are those who believe the war is wrong - and those who believe without our men fighting, we stand to lose the most precious commodity - freedom. I believe in the latter. This man whom I have never met believed in what he did ... and despite personal feelings about the war, was held in the highest regard by all. Flags flew at half mast in the entire small town of Elyria.

The funeral was held in the high school Lane attended. Hundreds came - and hundreds wept. It was a moving ceremony with military honors and blessings from the Catholic priests.

During the ceremony, I thought of what a rich life this young man must have led. He was doing what he wanted to do - what he felt he was called to do. He did it with honor - and he did it by choice.

For Lane, for all the soliders who are fighting this war, my prayers are with you each and every day. I thank God for you all - and for the gift of freedom you are fighting so selflessly for.



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