Always Learning....

It's been well past a month now since I entered into retirement world. I don't believe that anyone truly knows what they will do once they enter the R world. Oh, we have our grandiose ideas - we'll write, we'll paint, we'll learn to play the cello. One morning you wake up and realize you didn't have to hit the snooze alarm even once nor complain bitterly about getting out in the cold, scraping the ice off the windshield and nor did you wonder could you possibly just call in sick - just this one day. It's like a long vacation - only you get a little giddy knowing that it doesn't end in 13 hours. Writing, painting, playing the cello - it can happen but there's no rush to do it right now.

What really amazes me is this: I've learned quite a few things in the past month.

I've learned our son has a wonderful talent with websites. He has several websites - but one remains his passion. He has been able to guide his father & I to successfully update the chess club site that belongs mainly to his dad ... I just try to maintain it. I've learned that one can always undo a posting - which is a very good thing.

I've learned that I can put off today what I can do tomorrow and feel not an ounce of guilt. Okay, maybe a smidgen of guilt.

I've learned that I really do have a passion for cooking - and that I'm fairly good at it.

I've learned that I do have an eye for color as I plan the next quilt I'd like to make.

I've learned that criticism can hurt the toughest of hearts. I've learned that being on the receiving end is not pleasant. But I've learned it serves me well - a reminder to never criticize but offer encouragement.

I've learned that my father has a gift for writing and it's amazing what I learn from him at least once a week when I read his emails. His love of learning, his love for his wife and his understanding & tolerance for other viewpoints have all come through in his daily emails.

I've learned to read posts that my dear husband sends me links to - and find most of them wonderful. I've learned that he has a wide range of interests and can even sit down and watch a chick-flick with me without gagging.

I've learned that our daughter is a very talented knitter - and has great understanding of the human nature.

I've learned that both our son & daughter have dreams. Without a dream, we would simply exist and nothing more. Fear of dreaming leads to fear of everything. There is no such thing as failure - it's the opportunity to take a fall and use it to do something even better.

I've learned that making a list of things to accomplish is a good thing - even if a whole day or week or month goes by and not one thing is cross off. To do lists are the start of dreams and goals.

I've learned that God indeed loves me beyond all comprehension - and He does answer prayers in so many ways.

I've learned that one of my life long dreams to be a grandmother far exceeded my expectations.

I may not ever write a book, nor paint nor play the cello. But I've learned that I'm loved by God - by my husband - by my family and I'm always learning something new every single moment.



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