More Blogs to Share

Having suffered through the past couple of days with a miserable head cold - you know that awful stuffy, I-am-so-miserable-I-could-just-sleep-forever-but-can't head colds.... No? Trust me - it's an ailment you can go through your whole life without experiencing. Where was I....

Oh yes - now that I'm at the tail end of this miserable head cold - or body cold is more like it - I decided to catch up on my blog readings. I have been reacquainted with a few more blogs I'd like to share: I've only read a few of Ms Williams' posts...but I've not read a blog of her that didn't hit home. Her latest one was right on target....we cannot change reality. As my dear husband Riley loves to say "it is what it is". How true. How true. Okay, so it's a little busy site. But gotta love how organized this writer is...or maybe writers are? Lots and lots of great ideas here.....but beware -! Oh yes - when I grow up, I want to be an accomplished knitter...something a little more ambitious than dishcloths (even though I'm extremely accomplished with dishcloths....)

What a great jumping-off blog to other sites....marvelous, marvelous, marvelous!

And more to come....

But in the meantime.....

How can you not laugh????

In the meantime....I quilt.



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