The power of a vacation...or is it the power of love?

Ah but first - the rose. I have been remiss in not posting.... Many things to do, many things still not done, many things I probably will miss. Life goes on. Back to the rose. I do not how this happens, but each week the rose that is delivered is more beautiful than the week before. There's an analogy waiting to happen here, I can feel it. Yes - like being in love with the same wonderful man for 37 years. Each week it's better than the week before. It could be a word - or seeing his face on Skype - or getting an email from him that makes me laugh.

And now the power of the vacation. My beloved is taking three weeks vacation from his job in Iraq. Three weeks! We shall meet in the Atlanta Airport. Shades of 'An Affair to Remember' (see it - you'll love it). From there, we will fly to Cancun, Mexico where we will be staying in a wonderful hotel for ten wonderful days. Having not been to this hotel before, I am building it up in my mind as a wonderful hotel. How could it not be?

The power of the vacation is - well, powerful. Snow filled roads? Not a problem. Think Cancun, Mexico. Bill arrived late in the mail? Think Cancun, Mexico. Trying to survive on 1200 calories on a daily basis. Think Cancun, Mexico. No, on second thought - the destination is in 2nd place. First place is being with my beloved.

Funny how you start off with a thought and end elsewhere. It's the power of love, pure & simple. Over 37 years of being together and I still get the count-down-the-days-with-accelerated-heartbeat-feel-good-allover state of mind. Oh yes.

And while waiting, I quilt.



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