Life Can Sometimes Be So Darn Challenging.....

On the 3rd of July, Riley, my sister Carol & I flew to Oshkosh, WI. Several hours later, we were joined by our daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter, son, daughter-in-law and grandson.... all to wish our parents a Happy 60th Anniversary.

Sixty years. Six decades. What can one possibly do to commemorate sixty years of marriage? The only thing we thought of was to make sure my parents got to meet their great grandkids from Ohio and that they did. Nothing beats a hug from a child. The world could be falling around me - and a hug from grand daughter or grand son and nothing else matters. It was a whirlwind trip - flew in Friday evening, flew back home on Sunday. No matter Riley, sis & I flew back on Monday, it was still a whirlwind trip.

Learned much this weekend. It's wonderful to visit while staying at a hotel. It's better when the hotel has a pool and whirlpool and free breakfast. Not to say that parents aren't great hosts though. It's wonderful to have the ability to sleep late if one so chooses....or meander down to the breakfast area and talk to Julie, the nice hostess who was in total charge of the breakfasts at the hotel....or meander down to the whirlpool. I have got to get me a whirlpool of my own someday.

Dad is using a walker irregularly ..... and driving less these days. Mom now reminds dad of what medications he should be taking. You know how it is - those little lifestyle changes that just seem to appear overnight without warning. We shamelessly planted a seed about downsizing, selling the house and moving here to Dayton, Ohio. My brother still lives in Oshkosh, so we hope the seed planting was not minded. There's something to be said about living here where both parents could be around two of their kids - plus grand kids - and throw in the added bonus of two great grandkids. Plus throw in a great church we attend .... one can always hope.

Somehow this past weekend gave me pause. Deep thoughts. Life is indeed one big challenge - especially after one retires. We make choices every single day, with every breath we take. We can choose to sit by and watch life slowly pass .... or we march along with it. I like the idea of not only marching along with it, but welding a tambourine festooned with ribbons. We can choose to actively be a part of this world - or sit back and watch. I like the idea of actively being a part of this world...and sharing whatever we can with others. Still much to think about.

So dad- if you end up reading this post, hope you and mom both consider marching with that tambourine.....And dad - do make that call regarding your computer. Consider the fact the entire family are all in agreement : make the call. Nothing like ending a post with a cryptic plea.

Oh yes - the quilt block. This block was mailed to hospice shortly after my father-in-law joined Jesus and the saints. I love the idea this block will be joined with other blocks in memorium of those who had the privilege of using hospice. I know we all were pleased dad was able to stay home up to the very end of his time....thank God for hospice for making that possible.

I quilt.



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