A Balanced Life.....

It is almost 10:40am. I have walked from the apartment to the chess club - pulled in the little dumpster on wheels (Thursday is garbage pickup day) - walked from there to the bank (what is it about two tellers gabbing away about personal stuff and tell the other teller: "can you take care of HER?" Emphasis on the HER, yes indeed....) - and from the bank to the library.

Ahhh the public library. It never fails me. The moment I walk in (regardless of the fact this public library has a metal detector....a fine statement of downtown Dayton, don't you think???), I feel that momentary sense of excitement. What book will capture my interest this time. Okay, so maybe not ALL books capture my fancy. Sadly, science fiction does not capture my interest (sorry my dearest daughter and beloved husband) nor do biographies (apologies to those who love them) or historical romances (more sex in those novels than imaginable...pick one up and tell me I'm wrong). That still leaves many venues to choose. I enjoy a good mystery - especially those centered around cooking (who doesn't???), knitting or quilting. Also romance novels with substance - but sadly, very few make the grade nowadays.

So today I have worked on the business checking accounts, took apart one pieced quilt top, took care of my daily exercise, and am now at a local coffee shop taking advantage of their free wireless while drinking a non-fat latte (the non-fat part is to added to simply impress you...did it?) and have 3 library books tucked away in my backpack (two mysteries and one book on crocheting).

A balanced life - reading, crocheting, knitting, quilting, week day breakfasts with Riley (that also includes making a lunch for him to take with....boy, am I spreading it on thick or what???) and just loving life.

And the photo? My first attempt at a "completely" appliqued block quilt. I am not a flowery person but I do know who will greet this quilt with much reverence and gratitude - so it will soon be finished and tucked away for Christmas.

And in the meantime, I quilt!



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