There are times when we all leap out in faith and post photos of our work. I'd like to think we do this with some sort of trepidation, looking for some sort of feedback. Never have I witnessed other than pure kindness when comments are posted in response to a completed project or perhaps just a block. However, this one post brought out something I didn't give much thought to until several days later..
The author pointed out a simple lack of courtesy that prevails among us all. Someone takes the leap - posts a photo of a current project and not one comment was posted.
Looking back over several postings and indeed, there were several noticeable lack of comments after one brave soul posted a photo. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. The author of the post simply asked - what does it take of your time to simply post "great job" or "love the colors you chose" or "thanks for sharing".
Two or three words in response. We spend time posting about the weather - or how little incentive there seems to be to do a little quilting today.....
And I am guilty as charged. I look, I smile and ponder why those three colors look so well together. I move on. Nary a post in response.
We were all created by God to serve many purposes....and high on that list is to simply love one another. Encouraging is high on that list - and it takes so little to say "job well done" or "I like it".
Off the soapbox for now and on to resting. I managed to pick up a particularly nasty virus which resulted in laryngitis and it has decided to reside with me longer than I had expected.
So please post those photos of those beautiful blocks - those beautiful quilt tops - and know that at least one person will comment.
Oh yes - the quilt block. Paper pieced! I resisted paper piecing for so many years and now find that they're challenging and wonderful for using up those bits and pieces of fabric I've hoarded for so many months. Slowly but surely I will be working through a wonderful book of paper pieced blocks - "101 Log Cabin Blocks"....just the 7 inch blocks!
I quilt.