Scrappy Strips.......
Scrappy strip blocks. What a great way to use scraps (and who doesn't have a few - ahem - bags of scraps?!?!). In the retreat room (aka sewing area which I share with Riley), I've whipped up over 50 of these babies. Four 5 1/2 strip square blocks sewn together and then trimmed to 10". Seems like I could whip up a quilt in no time.
I jest and surely you do too.
Not being one with the mathematical mind (other than balancing the checkbook), I used 2 inches of a beautiful mottled gray blender in between each block. I do believe we quilters call that "sashing". When I become a quilter with terminology, I'll let you know.
At any rate, put a few together - threw it on the bed and nope, not quite wide enough. Added a few more blocks. Threw it on the bed. Nope, not quite wide enough. Finally at 7 blocks, it's wide enough. I think. That's what borders are for .....
This latest project is so much fun! I put the 4 blocks together and each one is a "oh my - isn't that striking". I love it when I feel so quilty.
Hallelujah!!! I'm quilting!!!!