Prairie Queen UFQ #2 - 21 January 2017

It's been an interesting couple of weeks.  What started out as "well, I need some space to take a photo of a project in the works" morphed into "well, this just needs to be organized" and then it took a life of its own.

Enter: The Journal.  Oh, not any Journal.  This is THE Journal to end all Journals - and probably civilization as we know it.  It has style - it has categorization that defies categorization - it has mind boggling detail.  And it has exhausted the owner.  

Journal turned into labeling fabric bins......


 Before....just focus on the cubicles.  You'll see it if you just look for awhile.  Kind of like those pictures you see and if you look long enough, you'll see a dolphin jumping out of the water.  So they say. 

 And then comes the AFTER.  All those lovely labels.  Squint. They are there.  Each bin holds now an unfinished top (or two or three) or a kit (or kits) or orphan blocks (lots and lots of blocks). 

Truth be told, I'm a little afraid to walk in there for awhile.  What started out with space to photograph.....

So now comes Prairie Queen UFQ #2.  Orphan blocks.  Blocks from a swap block with an online group.  

 The photo pretty much explains why I needed space to adequately take photos as a UFQ takes shape.  The blue strip - sashing.  Why blue?  Well, silly - it was the fabric I had most of.  This is in line with the self pledge:  No Buy 2017.  Should be an interesting quilting adventure. 
 And then trying out the blue sashing.  Okay - so I am still not convinced it's okay.  Like I said - it was going to be this or.... I don't know the "or"....

 And then added the orange cornerstones.  

What I have learned:

FOCUS is not working out too well as one of my two words for 2017.  FOCUS and SIMPLIFY.  Not doing so hot on either.

Reorganization can be fun...until it takes over one's life.  Then it just becomes outright annoying.

I still do not have the best space to take photographs.  



Diamond D said…
Hi Sharon.I hope I can follow this blog, I do not get any notices to say when you post.. I have looked back over past enteries, and you jave done some amazing things in your quilting Studio. Sorry for any typi errors the print here s showing so small, I just can not check it, esp with this cateract condition.

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