UFQ #4 Curvy Rail Flimsy is Done - 14 March 2017

After a short bout with some sort of intestinal flu bug (and yes, I did get the flu shot in October - but it's one of those hit or miss shots - one just never knows what strain is going to visit), today was an okay day.  Translation:  lots of sleep yesterday made for a decent day today. 

Out came UFQ #4.  I had to go back and correct the posts....my numbering of the UFQs were a tad off.  I cannot remember completing this many flimsys in 3 months!  I suspect there will be a slowdown around the corner, but for now - yay, 4 flimsys!

Curvy Rail complete:

 Yes, it surely does need a good pressing.  And probably I need a better camera 😀... but then, a better camera couldn't be used as an excuse.  

UFQ #5....too tired to even think about it.  Time for a break.

Bring on the FCBs.....!!!



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