Where has the time gone.....28 August 2017

Looking back, I realize it's been a few (few???) months since I last wrote.  No excuses other than - well, darn there are no excuses.  Just didn't feel like it?

In the past couple of months, it's been good news and not so good news.

Good news.

Mammogram and followup with biopsies - all clear.  Praise the Lord!

Not so good news.

Labored breathing climbing stairs.  Had the stairs led to the top of the Empire State Building, that's to be expected.  However, 17 steps?  One stress test, MRI with dye and ultrasound, my heart was found to be fit as a fiddle.  Or at the very least, good for my age.

Still the labored breathing.  Sleuthing through web page after web page, something popped up that led to an appointment with an allergist/asthma specialist.  Not so good news was the diagnosis:  asthma trigged by allergies.  In reality, that is good news!  It just sounds more dramatic to write "not so good news".  Always the drama queen.

On the quilting front....zippo.  A few projects here and there completed - but nothing that made my heart jump up and down with tiny waves of excitement.  Two pincushions were made .... and another one in the works.  Does that count?

As I continue this journey, I wonder if quilting will take a distant second in my life.  No, I don't even have a close first in my life right now....other than puzzling my way through as the wife of a pastor and learning that listening is truly a God given skill I'm still praying for.

As to photos - not yet.  My trusted laptop for 5 years or more was giving me very subtle hints that his (hers?) life expectancy was coming to an end....which led to the purchase of this wonderful MacBook Air.   Definitely a learning curve.  A. Very. Big. Learning. Curve. with deep sides on a very narrow path.

In the meantime, smile at everyone.  At the very least they will think you have some marvelous answers to the mysteries of life.  That can't be all bad.

...aka Angel45402...


Diamond said…
Hi Angel....so good to see you writing again.....and sharing with us your life in a paragraph or two. I know this thing called aging can really top the scales in our response to life situations....sometimes too far to thevwayvwe don't want to be.
As for your quilting wants and wishes, some times that just escapes the stagevand moods in our life at the time. I remember when Mum stopped quilting, it took us all by surprise,.....she just lost the interest. She found other things to keeo her hands busy though. Sometimes she regretted not having a quilt to work on, and then other times shevwas really happy to sit and watch me working with her. Our only regret was that I started quilting just about the tume she finished.
Anyway, life seems to have an ebb and flow of what to do, what not to do. Is this ine of the mysteies of kife asvwe find it?

Asthma and allergies.....how sad thst now when life has so much good going for you that this is developing. Maybe as you wrote, now itvthe time to rest from hobbies and spend more talking, thinking and doing timess listening and taking in your hesrt and mind to God. Perhapsvin time whenvcertain talkking has been accomplished an answer will come to you, and maybe even more quilting. Oerhspsvright now there sre other issues waiting to be sorted and solved first. Do we ever know?

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