Chatter talk and "another" current project - 30 October 2017

NO, it cannot be the 30th of October already.  Checked two different calendars - and alas, it is.  I could claim I slept through the past couple of months..and that would be too far from the truth.

Finally admitted defeat with both knees loudly complaining when climbing stairs.  Heck, getting out of bed or a chair became more challenging.  With nerves of steel (ha), made an appointment with our orthopedic doctor.  Isn't it funny - the older we get, we have "our" specialty doctors.  Family doctor, asthma doctor, orthopedic doctor...  This particular doctor is an amazing doctor.  For starters, he he replaced both of Riley's knees over 5 years ago.  He goes on a mission trip once a year to use his skills in those remote places that rarely see doctors.  Amazing, right?  

Knees are fine.  Lots of arthritis but all else is good.  A shot of cortisone in each knee and left with sound advice:  MOVE MORE.  

So what does this have to do with quilting?  Absolutely nothing - other than now I can stand and sit without pain.  I liked how I linked bad knees to very little quilting lately - and so shall you.

My latest project?  

I threw it upon the design wall ("design wall" loosely used....) - so am hoping the borders are not wavy.  Iron will meet this today ... and of course, did I square it up before adding borders?  Of course I did NOT.  Bad, bad, bad.

This will become the focal point of a larger quilt.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  May it look just fine when completed.  You know how you have an idea in your head and you just forge ahead?  That about sums it up nicely.  

And I actually have 5 quilts to mail off to a lovely woman who spearheads quilts to Ft Hood, TX.  Soldiers recovering at the hospital.  I've had these quilts done for quite some time ...and yet they sat underneath the quilt frame for over a year plus.  

MOVE MORE is quite sound advice - and not just applying it to arthritic knees.



Diamond D said…
Hi. Loved the last thought...move more, and not just applying it to walking. How appropriate for all of us. Who of us does not have projects waiting forvsime kind of attention... even just maiking them away requires energy and determinatin, Good for you to consider getting these quilts up up and away.

Hope knees continue to improve...,I know what you mean even standing to cut/iron....or even when ironing...that standing can really get you down quickly....spirits and bodily...

Your quilt is going to be so beautiful when finished....It will be loved.

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