Getting Settled In.....11 July 2018

Today is Tuesday ... the 10th of July 2018.  We moved into this beautiful house several weeks ago...and we're still "moving in".  

Moving in had its challenges.  Riley's mom passed away early on the 2nd of July.  We had driven up to Wellington on the 1st of July after church service, arriving around 4pm.  She passed away very early in the am on the 2nd of July.  Funeral took place on the 6th of July.  She is in heaven with dad and all those who have passed from this earth before her.  That was (and is) a huge comfort - knowing she is in a much better place.  

To continue.....

You would think that moving from "small" renovated office space (about 1800 square feet) to a 2112 square foot house would be a snap.  After all, how much stuff could two people accumulate in 6 years living in a 1800 square foot space?


Dear God, we are hoarders.  Pure and simple.  

How I wish I could find a photo of the "library" Riley created while living in what we called the "Treehouse".  Suffice to say, 8 (or was it 9?) 8' tall bookcases, crammed full of books, lined one long wall that led from the living room area back to the door that led to the stairwell.  Hard to imagine?  It is - unless one saw a photo.
And maybe someday I can find a photo.....  And it ALL has to fit into a smaller room, AKA 4th Bedroom, AKA Study, AKA Man Cave.  Dimensions?  Uh - right now, it's I THINK it's about 11x13? 10x11?  In other words, not a clue.  

However....the former "QS" (aka Quilting Studio) is now the SQS - Sharon's Quilting Studio, so dubbed by my wonderful husband ....

"Old" QS (which was a delightfully - NOT - designed conference room at one time) and this is just one end of it......  The other end held a cutting table on top of cubicles.  

"New" SQS
 I have a view!!!

AND a closet.....!

And from wall hung thread organizers drawer cabinet thread organizer (on wheels, no less!)....

It's from Ikea and it was a lot of fun putting it together (I have the calluses to prove it).   It fits beautifully in the SQS ... and on the infamous "Will Do When There's Time" will be finding a way to neatly organize the hundreds of spools of thread. Many thanks to a blogger who discovered this wonderful cabinet.  Again, whom I must find to properly thank publicly - in name. 

Still, more organizing has to take place....and it shall.  For now, it's perfect.

I think I have discovered yet another flaw in my character.  The lack of photographing important events.  I'm the last one to whip out a camera.  Why is that....??  Perhaps it is never too late to learn something new about one's self....and to set about correcting one's self.  

Now to find some time to settle in and sew.  After all, I have gardens to weed now!

aka Angel45402


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