And #33 Tilt a Square Continues.....4 November 2018

First off - it cannot be the 4th of November already.  This means Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  Aaack.  I'm actually planning on cooking for more than the two of us.  Aaack again.  

Project #33, Tilt a Square Kit, is coming along very nicely.  So far, so good.  Bad joke that sports the punchline "so far, so good" but I'll spare you.

To date:

 Yes, two whole blocks completed.  Appliquéd.  Without fusing.  Kit instructions call for trimming behind each appliquéd square before next one added.  First block:  okay, trimmed it.  Second block:  okay, not trimming.  I may regret the no-trimming by the time I load this top on to the frame, but at this moment, I'll stand by the no time decision.

Care to see a close up of block #2?  Okay....

The plan is to use a different appliqué stitch for each block.  Twelve blocks - twelve different appliqué stitches.  Did I think ahead to ensure Mz Janome has 12 different stitches available?  Absolutely not.  This is a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-sewing-machine type project.  Boggles the mind, doesn't it?  

New philosophy.  If one cannot have fun while sewing, don't do it.  Turn the project into something else.  Gift it.  Toss it.  Too many years I've plodded along finishing something I disliked intensely.  Believe it or not, the finished project shows what one feels during the process.  

Have a great and wonderful Sunday.  As my sweet hubby says - Go To Church today!  I know it makes a huge difference in my life...may very well make a difference in yours!



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