Quilt Journey

This is the story of a quilt that grew until done......
This quilt is for a young girl who loves pink with a little purple thrown in - Hannah Montana - playing "cheer leader" - and likes daises - and she's 5.
Going through the ever infamous stash, I found pinks - a couple of purples .... however, no large pieces. Ah ha - perhaps 2" strips to make up a block.... After trimming, it measured 10". Nope - looked too much like a pot holder....

Out comes the seam ripper - grab more fabric - sew more strips together - and the 6 1/2" squares are birthed....

I got so carried away with sewing them together, I neglected to photograph the remaining process!

So - imagine these squares put together, alternating vertical with horizontal. Got it? Okay - now imagine a deranged woman looking for "Hannah Montana" fabric. Not a pretty picture. Ahhh - yes! The ever saving WalMart had a purple Hannah Montana fabric.... Now the cheerleading thing. Found 4" squares for sale on eBay - yesssss! The hunt has almost come to an end. Won the squares...and then quilt grew strip by strip until at last - enough.
And so - the journey came to an end.

This will be the quilt I'll always think of as the "potholder" that grew and grew until it was a quilt.....

Love the colors! Love those 4" cute cheerleader blocks in the corner! As to the Hannah Montana purple border...well, I can't love everything....

And the final addition - the pocket prayer quilt...

I quilt .... what a lovely statement.



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