Sewing Machines DO Talk....

Last night after traipsing sis down to the bike shop to get her wheel fixed (drat those nails on the sidewalks), then being forced to eat at the nearby Chinese buffet and then with full bellies, waddling back to the car and coming home....I heard this pitiful voice from the 2nd bedroom - AKA sewing room/den - that kept calling to me "please, please - I need to sew...I must sew".

Well, not one to ignore voices as pitiful as this, I spent the next hour or more sewing a purse for granddaughter. I know she will adore it. I'll be driving to Columbus to spend a day or two - maybe three - and I'll be hand delivering the purse. I just love this pattern. It can be made from squares of all sizes - and a snap to put together! Oh yes - it's also reversible!

I really do need to learn to take better photos - or at least learn how to post them correctly. Just take my word for it - it's very pretty!
By the time I was done and a 2nd one is in the making, I no longer heard the pitiful voice of my Brothers sewing machine.
Scary thing - I also have a serger, a Singer sewing machine and a lightweight offbrand sewing machine too... If they all start talking to me, please do rescue me from the room.
I quilt!


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