#56 Challenge Marches On..... 16 September 2018

Okay - so #56 Challenge is not quite marching on, but a post titled "#56 Challenge Crawls On" doesn't quite have the impact I'd like it to have.  Yes, "marching on" is a bit of stretch.....


Hubby Riley decided he wanted to mow the church's grass yesterday.  Not a big area but it does have it challenges - a nice sloping area - both sides of walkway to the front door of the church.  Okay, I'll go with you, she says somewhat enthusiastically. Actually it was more like "really... now?!?!?!"  

He mowed.

I pulled weeds one on side of the aforementioned sidewalk.  A measly 40 minutes.

This morning I woke up and there wasn't a bone or a muscle in my body that didn't complain.  When did I get so old?  This had to be overnight - and has nothing to do with my lack of exercising.  

That aside (whew - way aside), I did manage the unthinkable.  

I sewed ALL the pesky blocks for #56.  

All of them.

I know darn well a few of them will not meet the 6 1/2" square that is required....but there's enough fabric left over to make a few more.  

Chain stitching is a wonderful time saver.  

And today?  Sundays are not good for sewing....  There's church, then there's the lunch afterwards and sometimes helping with cleanup (we are blessed with a huge kitchen!), sometimes a delivery of food to the senior citizens' high rise building....  All this to simply say, Sundays are fairly busy for us.  By the time we get home, a very long nap is in order.  

This is how we mature people roll....as in rolling into bed for long naps.  Okay, this is how I roll.  Riley, naps are still not quite in his agenda.  Not bad for a 70 year old man, is it?!?!    Yes, he married a child.....  Quit snickering.

This year long challenge is off to a great start!

  aka The Simple Quilter


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