And It is Done - sort of.... 16 January 2019

Goals for writing....included one quilt a month.  As in fully quilted.  Might be able to finish January's project on time.  Imagine that.

Hello, Tilt-a-Square.  

You have not been my favorite project (understatement) but I have learned quite a bit about appliqué ... and that's not all bad.  

Here she is.....

 Started the journey in October and today the last stitch is done. 

Now to locate fabric for the backing....which shouldn't be difficult.  Pieced backings are long as one doesn't choose a backing made of 2 1/2 strips.  Ever try quilting over seam after seam after seam?  Poor Mz Bailey (aka my mid arm) absolutely screams with agony.....

And today's delight....SNOW...

From the window of the front room.  Okay, granted it was taken several days ago but that white stuff isn't going away any time soon.  Still looks like that now.  If memory serves me correctly, it was a good 9 inches of fluffy white snow.  Which turned into 9 inches of packed icy - uh, stuff.  

This morning woke up to an iced over drive way and an ice covered Mz Bug.  She wasn't happy.  I wasn't either.  Plans to take a longer drive didn't happen.  Later learned schools were delayed 2 hours.  Perhaps I should check the school delays before taking off......
On the plus side, we have a fully stocked refrigerator and the cupboards are full.

Forecast for the next couple days....miserably cold and snow.  One or the other, forecasters.  NOT both, please.

In the meantime, completed placemats are piling up very nicely.  

Stay warm!



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