Procrastination and then some .... 10 January 2019

To date, the 2019 Great Challenge (aka finishing those UFOs/kits) has not happened.  In fact, I think I am slowly on the road to perfecting procrastination.

So far, I have made quilted coasters.  

Yes, I know.  Just four of them.  But lots and lots of fabric has been cut into strips....waiting.

And then there are the wonky placemats....

And more strips were cut. 

Absolutely no rhyme or reason or plan....just placemats with somewhat sedate backings.  

In the meantime, current quilt project is languishing on the ironing board....and if it's speaking to me, I'm not hearing it.  

On the homefront, the kitchen floor is looking very spiffy - as in very clean.  

I've spent hours online looking for a specific door handle to the laundry room....which morphed into looking for just the right kitchen mat to go on the spiffy kitchen floor....which morphed into.....

After quilting for years (does it sound too melodramatic to use the word "eons" ??), I am at the point to ponder the question:  do these quilts really matter?  

Today, I read through the Facebook quilting posts in hopes of finding a tiny glimmer of incentive, any incentive, to get back on the quilting horse (so to speak).  A newbie posted her very first photo of a quilt  ...and then I read the posts that are less than encouraging - or worse, several photos of quilts that obviously are the works of very accomplished quilters.  I cannot write that every comment followed along those lines - but there are far too many.  Even one is too many.  Where did we lose that touch of humanity - that inability to simply encourage - that ability to shout "bravo" or "well done" or "wow - I love how those colors play so well together".   When did it become a contest to tackle the most complicated of quilts and the quilter of that complicated quilt then proceeds to point out the flaws....

Soapbox?  Yes, I imagine that I am on a soapbox.  Perhaps it's a self-deterrent to bond again with Mz Janome and tackle those multitude of quilt tops that are just begging to be completed.   

I honestly do not know why I lay claim to being a quilter anymore....

I do know one thing....and that's the absence of my daily talks to God.  I talk, He listens.  

Lord, give me a new heart - a heart of flesh and not stone.  

I am certain He will listen and answer.  

I will look back at this particular post and will laugh with joy.

And it's okay if I'm alone with these doubts....

Actually, I'm not alone.  God is watching - and waiting.

Excuse me while I pour out my heart to Him and wait.....



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