2 February 2018 ... and the Challenge Continues

One UFQ down, 11 more to go.  Quilt flimsies that is.  

Okay - to be honest and above board, the binding was stitched down but there are a few missing "quilting" lines....which were removed from their buddies because the thread did not play nicely in several spots.  Does this make me an Expert Quilter??  


UFQ #2.....

So how did I settle on this particular group of blocks....???   Oh snap - these blocks:

Which turned into this.....

Okay - so the "turned into this" is a bit blurry but you get the idea.  Maybe.

Where was I??

Oh - why this particular one?  Because that's the one I grabbed from the pile of quilt flimsies.  And there are a lot of quilt flimsies.  I even went so far as to measuring each quilt flimsy. If nothing, I am pretty thorough.  Most of the time.  This one measured 73 1/2 x 73 1/2.  Maybe.  Measuring skills - eh, sometimes spot on.  Sometimes not.  I'll go with it.

Backing?  Not a clue.  However.... I can choose from....

Something from the storage area here.....

Or maybe hidden away in one of these baskets....or.....

Okay - so perhaps I'm not thorough when it comes to organizing fabric in a neat and orderly fashion.  

Now to make this quilt become a reality by 28 February.  

Is it doable?  Yes.  Question is - will it be completed by 28 February?



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